Walter Bailey
aCRYLIC Fusion aRTs Medium™ founder and innovator Walter A. Bailey worked well over fifty years, Doing aRT. He has experiences spanning two centuries and over five decades as a multi-disciplined aRTisan. In 1971 he discovered the quality of synthetic (Plexiglas) as aRT™. By 1977 His revolutionary Reverse aRT Technique pioneered an innovative award-winning aRTform titled aCRYLIC Fusion aRTs Medium™. Fusion aRT techniques apply and amplify color to durable acrylic polymer surfaces. The result is an aRTwork with high-resolution imagery, highly reflective and innovative advanced color applications that stimulates the observer's eye and imagination.
After moving to Detroit in 1994, his aRTistic achievements, awards, exhibitions, and public aRT installations include two book covers, the Bombay Sapphire 2014Finalist, Charles H. Wright’s 2008 Legacy Award, and the International Institutes of Metropolitan Detroit 2019. His aRT has appeared in shows and exhibitions from the East Coast to the Midwest. Walters Black History supplements, The Whole Story, have been used by Detroit Public Schools and the University of Hartford, Connecticut, School of Education. Finally, his works include private collections, museum exhibits, the City of Detroit municipal office installation, city parks, and a police precinct. Today he seeks to pass aRTlife experiences to emerging Next-Gen Visionary aRTists of this century and the next.
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